how to lose weight diet bodybuilding
hey, guys. sean naelwanyj here at in this video here i’m going to i want to give you the few pretty simple tips thatyou need in order to prevent muscles loss and to maintain your gains while you’rea cutting phase and while you’re focusing on losing fat. building muscle does take alot of hard work and patience, muscle growth happens a lot more slowly than fat loss doesand so it’s understandable that people are concern about this. in reality though it’sactually pretty simple, there’s only a few basic things to keep in mind here and if youfollow them then you likely won’t lose much muscle if any at all. especially if you’rea beginner, in which case you might actually be able to re-comp to gain some muscle whileyou’re losing fat. so basically you have
the training side and you have a nutritionside. so let’s start off with the training side and the main thing here to keep in mind,if you want to burn fat and maintain muscle, is just to make sure that your basic weighttraining approach remains the same as it was when you were trying to gain muscle. you canreduce the overall volumes slightly but what you don’t want to do is make the very commonmistake of switching to a lighter weight-higher rep program. a lot of people do this thingthinking that it somehow improves fat loss or that it brings out more definition in theirmuscles, but this is, of course, completely false. you can’t spot-reduce fat loss fromspecific areas of your body and going with light weight-high rep sets, it isn’t doinganything other than weakening the overall
stimulus of your training. if you really wantto lose fat and maintain muscle then you need to continue training hard, training heavyand striving for progressive overload to make sure your body is receiving a strong enoughstimulus to hold on to its existing muscle while being in a deficit, and on top of thatdon’t start reducing you rest time in-between sets as a way to try and burn more calories.your diet and your cardio is going to take care of the calorie burning aspect and you’reonly goal in the weight room should be to provide your body with the most powerful stimulusthat you can, so that it has the proper incentive to hold on to its muscle and you do that bytraining with the same basic principles that you were using when you were trying to gainmuscle. so that’s mean training within a
rep or two of failure on your sets and stayingwithin that basic hypertrophy rep range of about five to twelve reps per set. the otherthing to keep in mind on the training side is to not go overboard on cardio. i alwaysrecommend performing some cardio whether you’re bulking or cutting, because it does have avariety of physical and mental benefits outside of just burning calories, but you definitelydon’t need to be performing marathon cardio sessions, you don’t need to be doing cardioevery day, just start off with a moderate amounts. two to three sessions per week incombination with weight training is a good starting point and ideally tried to spaceit away from your weight training workouts if you can. so either cardio on the morningand weight training at nights, weight training
in the morning and cardio at night or justflip them on separate days altogether, and if you really want to combine them becauseyou have a very busy schedule or you just want to be as time efficient as possible thenalways do it post workout, don’t do cardio before your weight training workouts. weighttraining should always take precedence over cardio if you’re trying to maximize muscleretention and you don’t want to pre-fatigue yourself prior to weight training as a resultof doing cardio. one final point here is that the amount of cardio that you do also dependson what your lifestyle is like outside of the gym. if you work a physically active jobor you have other physically demanding hobbies that you do then you may need a very littleadditional cardio if any at all. so that’s
the training side, and then after that wehave the nutritional side. the first thing here is to stick with a moderate caloriessurplus and to focus on losing fat at a gradual pace, and usually that one to two pound perweek guideline is a good overall rate for most people, unless you’re significantlyover weight, in which case you can go a bit faster than that. larger more aggressive caloriedeficits are okay in the short term but most people won’t be able to stick to them forvery long, their training performance will start to suffer, mood and energy levels willgo down and your chance of losing muscle will increase as a result. so in most cases i’dsay just go with a standard 500 calorie below maintenance deficit to start off with andtake things at the more gradual pace because
that way you will feel better, you’ll getbetter workouts, your chance of sticking to your fat loss guide will hugely increasedand of course you will be more likely to retain the majority of your muscle. aside from basiccalorie intake, you want to make sure that you’re getting a sufficient amount of dailyprotein and fat. that’s usually pretty easy to do with some proper planning. so anywherefrom 0.8 to 1.0 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily that’s likely goingto be enough to lose fat while maintaining muscle, and if you just want to be fully onthe safe side then just go with 1.0 gram per pound of body weight because it’s not goingto harm you and it basically guarantees that you’re getting enough protein. when it comesto fat you want to make sure that you’re
getting enough of that, so that your testosteronelevels and your mood remain elevated and a good figure for that is to get around 25%of your total daily calories from fat. i would say that 20% is the minimum, i wouldn’trecommend going below 20% for any extended period of time. those are really all the mainpoint that you need to know if your goal is to burn fat and maintain muscle effectively.pretty simple stuff, and if you do want to get all the details with everything laid outin step-by-step format, including all the workouts and meal plans that you can follow,then you can grab my body transformation blueprint
how to lose weight diet bodybuilding,by clicking here, or by heading over to www.bodytransformationtruth.comusing the link in the description box. thanks for watching, guys. make sure to follow meon social media here if you aren’t already.
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