gain muscle eating vegetables

gain muscle eating vegetables

what are the best vegetables to eat whilebodybuilding? the best things to eat are what are called“clean” foods. avoid junk foods and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. not all fruits and vegetables are createdequal. eat sweet potatoes but not sweet potato friesor chips. eat dried tomatoes and peas instead of fruit juice with a lot of sugar. the hard part is increasing fruit and vegetableintake while getting enough protein. you want to maximize protein intake from lowfat sources. if you are looking at vegetarian sources, beans, string beans and lentils aregood choices.

you do have to eat carbs while body building. you can get good carbs from vegetables, especiallythose rich in fiber. for example, you want to eat leafy green lettuce, broccoli, spinachand peppers. spinach was popeye’s favorite food to buildmuscles. that came from a report where someone over-reportedthe iron content of spinach. in reality, broccoli and collard greens are just as good. as healthy, yes, as good tasting, no. i’veheard that you want to eat a lot of stone fruit like peaches. you can get good carbohydrates from apples,blueberries, grapefruit and bananas, too.

grapefruit is the basis of at least one majorweight loss diet. that’s because you eat nothing but grapefruitfor a few days, which means you really don’t eat anything. why don’t body building diets talk aboutfruits and vegetables? most of their shopping lists are chocked with lean meats and eggwhites and whey protein. lean protein is hard to get with a fast fooddiet, hence the lists of good sources. and a lot of body builders prefer shakes and foodbars filled with vitamins and minerals over

gain muscle eating vegetables,trying to cook a few pounds of vegetables. then there is convenience. you can throw anapple in your workout bag as a snack, but

people look at you funny if you pull out acucumber or bruised tomato. or they assume there is a nefarious purpose,whereas no-sugar v8 is considered safe.


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