gain muscle lose fat diet 2013
hey, guys, sean nalewanyj, of eliteimpactlabs.comhere. and in this video, i want to talk about the topic of weight training for muscle definition,and the difference between a weight training plan that is used for a mass gaining phaseversus one that is used during a cutting phase. so, if you're training hard in the gym andyou're following a controlled nutrition plan, then you likely have one of two primary goals.either you want to build overall muscle size and strength. or you want to burn off bodyfat and get a leaner and more defined body. now, when it comes to weight training forbuilding mass, most people have a pretty reasonable idea of what needs to be done. heavy weightslifted with a high level of intensity, low to moderate reps, compound exercises and afocus on continual progression from week to
week. when it comes to weight training foroverall fat loss in definition, however, most lifters go down the completely wrong pathby following the totally false idea that heavy weights and low reps builds muscle, and lightweights and higher reps burns fat. so, they'll switch over to a cutting phase and then reducethe amount of weight they're lifting, increase the reps and include more isolation exercisesto somehow define the muscles and bring out more hardness and separation. in fact, thistype of approach is actually directly counterproductive to your goals. there really onlyâ are twoâ thingsthat you can do with your muscles. you can either make them bigger or you can make themsmaller. but there's no such thing as an exercise that defines, or shapes or sculpts a givenmuscle. and there are certainly no weight
training techniques that are going to magicallybring out more hardness and separation in your physique. muscle definition is a productof one thing and one thing only. and that is the amount of overall muscle mass thatyou're carrying in combination with your overall body fat percentage. the lower your body fatpercentage is, the more defined and separated your muscles are going to appear. and of course,the higher your body fat percentage is, the less defined and less separated your musclesare going to appear. on top of this, there's no way for you to target fat loss from specificareas of your body by training those areas with weights. and this is known as the fallacyof spot reduction, which i've talked about many times before in the past. any time youtrain with weights, all you're really doing
is stimulating the specific muscles that areinvolved in that particular movement. but this has no effect on the fat stores in andaround that particular area. fat loss occurs as you place your body into a calorie deficitby consistently burning more calories than you consume. and this is accomplished by reducingyour dietary caloric intake and by increasing overall caloric expenditure through additionalexercise. over time you're going to lose fat from your entire body as a whole. but youhave no control over the specific areas where fat is burned from. so, we've establishedtwo really important things so far. number one, there's no possible way for you to defineor sculpt a given muscle. all you can really do is make your muscles bigger or smaller.and number two, fat loss is achieved through
a calorie deficit, which will cause you tolose fat from your entire body as a whole over time. so, what is the correct weighttraining approach then for a cutting phase? well, it's exactly the same as the approachthat you used when your goal was to gain overall muscle size and strength. you need to trainwith heavy weights, so weights that are heavy for youâ as an individual that is, low tomoderate reps, compound exercises and put all of your focus on either improving or maintainingyour strength levels each week. you have to remember that unless you are very geneticallygifted or you're a complete beginner, you're not going to be adding muscle size while you'rein a calorie deficit. your goal during a cutting phase is to simply maximize fat loss whileâ maintainingâ asmuch of your hard earned muscle as possible.
and this is why a properly structured weighttraining routine is so important during a fat loss cycle, because you need to provideyour muscles with the most powerful stimulus possible in order to give your body a verygood reason to hold onto its lean mass despite being in a calorie deficit. and again, thisis accomplished using the exact same principles that you follow during your mass gaining you keep that lean muscle mass intact and you gradually reduce your body fat each weekthrough proper diet and through some additional cardio exercise that muscle definition thatyou're after will gradually increase over time. so, just remember this during a cuttingphase. number one, weight training is for maintaining muscle. and number two, diet andcardio is for burning fat. if you follow the
light weight, high reps approach, all youreally end up doing is providing a weaker stimulus to your muscles which will actuallyincrease the chances of muscle loss during your cut. so, i hope you found the informationin this video lesson useful today. if you did enjoy the video, as always, please makesure to hit the like button, leave a comment and subscribe to stay up-to-date on all ofour future videos. also make sure to grab your free 28-day muscle building plan, usingthe link in the description box below, which
gain muscle lose fat diet 2013,includes a free workout plan, meal plan andsupplement guide. and make sure to join us over on facebook, using the link in the descriptionbox as well for daily articles, videos, tips and bodybuilding supplement giveaways. thanksagain for watching. and i'll talk to you again
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