muscle building vegetarian diet plan
what's up, guys? jeff cavaliere, man, did i ruffle some feathers this weekend,or what? the zac efron workout and diet video. i mean, good lord. if you haven't seen it,it's right here and you owe it to yourself to give it a watch. more importantly, scrollthrough the comments when you do because it will put into context better what i want totalk to you about here today. i want to talk about the level of hatred thrownzac efron's way. this poor kid, i don’t even know him, but i felt bad for him becausea lot of people – not everybody, certainly not everybody – a lot of people want toattribute everything he got – they want to attribute his physique, they want to attributehis gains in preparation for his movie, they
want to attribute everything to steroids. they don’t know him, they never trainedwith him, they don’t hang out with him, but they want to guarantee that's what itis. why? because he looks better than they do. guys, i see this all too often and itpisses me off. i'm going to rant today and i hope, if you need to put the ear muffs onand the kids around you, you're going to have to do that. the fact of the matter is, why are we alwaysso quick to say that about everybody that does look better than us? let's keep in mind,he's 165lbs to 170lbs. do you think that's an unattainable physique? if you do, you'rewatching the wrong channel. shit, i sit up
here all the time and preach to you abouthow possible it is. if you train like and athlete to look likean athlete, being ripped and also to carry lean muscle, and to maximize the amount thatyou can naturally carry. it's unbelievable. you should see the comments about it. "thisis crazy. this is bullshit. you can never do this without doing zac's steroid could never do this without the rock feeding you steroids. you can never do this without a personal chef,without all day to train, with nothing to do but train, without the highest level personaltrainer." guys, first of all, as far as a personal trainer goes you've got a prettydamn good one here giving you guys free videos
each and every week. i hope you've learnedsomething from my videos that would allow you to make gains and see progress and results. i could tell you, i don’t condone steroiduse. not in the least bit. i am the biggest anti-steroid guy standing here on youtube.i was a guy that grew up in a household where my father would have killed me if i did anything.any drug! he told me "jeff, if you ever do anything and i catch you, get out of the house.get out! i'm going to make it easy. i'm going to pack all your shit, i'm going to put itout on the lawn, you can come and take it, but don’t ever show back up here again." now, coming from a divorced household i hadnowhere else to go. i was scared to death.
so not only did i not do anything, i neverdrank, i never did a drug, i never tried a drug, i never drank anything. even throughcollege. nothing. i was just clean and boring as i possibly could be. i say it all the time.i live a pretty boring life. but, i'm proud of it and i'm proud to be able to stand hereas an example to you to inspire you of what is capable and possible if you train hard. but we don’t know about zac. if you thinkthat all this is unattainable, 165lbs-170lbs physique, all came from the fact that he puton 10lbs in a year. that's something that doesn't happen? guys, that's less than a pounda month. if you understand the fact that he used heavy training for the first time everin his training program. if you're out there
and you're a 26 year old kid who's never trainedbefore, i can guarantee you that you have lots of gains waiting for you. lots of them. i don’t even care if you're 40 or 60. ifyou've never trained heavy in your life and you start training heavy, those strength gainswill lead to size gains. you're going to see some noticeable signs, especially like i said,if you've never done it before. i don’t think zac efron was ever training really seriouslybefore. if you look at his physique, i'm not trying to knock him, but he was lean, butdidn't look like he ever really trained heavy; like he was ever really taking it seriously. but when you start training seriously youstart training with the rock and let me tell
you something, even at 40 years old, can imake a 10lb gain in one year? probably not. not having trained all this time and reachedmy potential at this point; probably not. but i tell you what, when you get the rockas my training partner? fuck, i'm getting some shit done because i would love to trainwith the rock. having the motivation that guy provides me every single workout wouldguarantee me some gains, i can tell you that. even when i thought there was no gains tosqueeze out of my physique. i could guarantee some gains. so what's the point of this wholevideo? why are we here revisiting this? because it's the mentality that i want to drive homehere. don't use that accusation as an excuse for you to excuse yourself from hard work.that's what it's all about. i can't obtain
what he is. i'm going to say he is gettingit all from steroids and i can't attain those gains because i'm not willing to go down thatsame road. therefore, i'm not doing shit. that is themost horrible mentality that you could possibly have. the most horrible, loser mentality thatyou could possibly have. if you're willing to put in the hard work, success and gainsawait you, i promise you. but how hard are you willing to work? not hard. i bet you theguys that say all that stuff, they don’t really like working out anyway. they werelooking for the easiest way out so they didn't have to work out. that, my friends, that'snot what we're here for. not what this channel is about. i cater tothe guys that want to train and train hard
and squeeze every ounce out of what they havebecause there's a lot in you if you start learning to train the right way. i can tellyou, the excuses continue to roll on. "i don’t have that chef. i don’t that personal trainerlike that. i don’t have all day to train." guys, come on. where are we going with this?i mean, all it takes is about 30 minutes of hard training a day. i do workouts here that would knock the averageman on his ass in 10 minutes. you don’t have 10 minutes? i bet you if you looked atyour favorite tv shows and figured out a way that you could find 10 minutes you would.i bet you if you figured out one less hit up on facebook all day, or hit on facebookthroughout the whole day you'd probably find
an accumulative 30 minutes that you coulddevote to train. that's all it's going to take, if you're willing to train hard. but a lot of guys aren't willing to do that.personally, i stand here and tell you i've been running a full time job, i have two prematuretwins back on january 6th, one of which is still in the hospital. i've been to the hospitalalmost every single day since january 6th to spend quality time with my son and i stillhave a family, and i still have my job to run, and i still have all my videos that iwant to make for you guys. guess how many of those i've missed? i think one. i think one. guess how many workouts i'vemissed in that time? maybe one. guess whose
fault it was when i missed that workout? 100%my asses fault because i just didn't make the time that day. i had no excuses. i couldhave made the time. if it means something to you, you'll make the time for it. whenyou want to start laying all the excuses down for you so it makes it nice and easy for youto discredit everybody else, that's bullshit. just because they look better than you? like i said, his physique is obtainable,'s totally obtainable. if you're at 165lbs and you think that it's not in the cards foryou at 5%, or 6%, or 7% body fat is not in the cards for you then you're lazy and youdon’t want to work. i'm happy to help you work and i'm happy to lay down everythingyou guys need to do that. i've been doing
it over here now for six years and i try tostand in front of you as your, sort of, beacon of hope. i'm going to be your motivation because that'swhat i feel like is my responsibility to do. to lead by example. if i haven't led you byexample enough for you to understand that's obtainable then i don’t know what i've beenteaching. the fact of the matter is, stop using excuses. stop using them. you've gotthem all. i don't have a personal chef. i know a lot of baseball players that have alot more money than i do and they don’t have personal chefs. they just care about it. they care about theend goal more than you might. you've got to
start caring if you want to see results fromit. all right, guys. i'm done. i'm done ranting. i don’t even know zac efron. poor kid. it'slike i'm sitting here defending zac efron and i don’t even know the kid. i don’t.i don’t even care about him, to be honest with you. no offense, zac. i don’t reallycare about him. it's just this blanket excuse that a lot of guys use. this blanket accusation that everybody wantsto run to as fast as they can because it gives them the out that they're looking for. stoplooking for outs. start pouring some of that energy into lifting the fucking weights andi'll tell you, you'll see a lot more results from doing that, okay? a lot more from yourhard effort you're going to get from doing
that. you're going to be way more productive. guys, if you're looking for a channel thatdoesn't bullshit you, that puts it out there the way it is, and tells it like it is; ihope you've found this channel to be that channel. amongst a sea of youtube channelsthat maybe don't do that for you. i'm happy to do it every single time i'm here. there'sno agenda on this channel. i'm just trying to be as real as i can, preach what i preach,and live by example. i hope you guys are inspired by that. youcan subscribe to our channel for that anytime you want. in the meantime, i'll be back here,guys, in just a couple of days. make sure you leave your comments and thumbs up belowand also, let me know what you want to see
on this channel and i'm happy to do any andall of that for you guys. i want to cover what you guys want to see. by the way, tonight's video was supposed tobe a knee video on meniscal tears, acl and
muscle building vegetarian diet plan,mcl damage. i think i got a little bit offtrack, but this was certainly necessary. i felt like it had to be addressed given theuproar that we cause over the weekend. so i hope you'll pardon me for that. i will getback to that video very soon. all right, guys. i'll see you back here soon.
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