cabbage soup diet youtube

cabbage soup diet youtube

how to lose 10-17 pounds with this deliciousfat-burning soup in just 1 week! heart diseases, hypertension and type 2 diabetesare some of the modern diseases that can be caused by obesity. today we will present you the 7 day dietaryregimen that will help you get rid of the excess pounds in extremely short period oftime. this diet was recommended by the doctors fromone of the most eminent hospitals for heart diseases and was served to patients who hadto lose weight quickly (scheduled for heart surgery). this soup must be combined with kombucha andplenty of water – beneficial for the digestive

tract, in order to prevent malnutrition. original recipe: - salt and pepper - 8 oz (2 cans) of green beans - 6 chopped green onions - nicely chopped cabbage - 3 sliced carrots - 1 bunch of celery - 16 oz (a can) of diced tomatoes

- 1 oz envelope lipton onion soup mix curry powder, tobasco sauce, chopped parsley,beef bouillon and cayenne pepper can be also added. instructions: place all the ingredients that we’ve mentionedabove in a cooking pot, add spices and cover them in water. let it boil for 5 min and then reduce theheat and simmer until all the ingredients become tender. diet cabbage soup

- lots of herbs - broth - sliced leek - 2 lbs of crushed tomatoes - a sliced kombu seaweed - a lb of chopped shiitake mushrooms - a large shredded cabbage - a bulb of sliced garlic - a large onion

- a diced bell pepper saute all the vegetables with coconut or vegetableoil except the cabbage and tomato. the next thing you should do is to place thecabbage and tomatoes in a pot with water and then bringing it to boil. let it simmer for 5 min and add some driedor fresh herbs. 7 days diet plan 1st day – consume kombucha or unsweetenedtea, cranberry juice, pure water, fruits and the soup. avoid banana, but incorporate cantaloupe andmore watermelon

2nd day – consume leafy vegetables, drybeans, peas, avoid corn and eat the soup and vegetables. take a buttered potato for dinner. do not forget not to eat fruits. 3rd day – consume fruits and veggies andthe soup, exclude the potato for dinner. 5-7 lbs can be lost till now. 4th day – you can consume water and bananasas much as you want along with your soup. you will need carbs, proteins, calcium andpotassium to lessen your carvings for sweet. 5th day – you can consume aduki, beand,wheat, fish chicken, lamb, beef, 10-20 oz

of beef and you can consume 6 organic tomatoes. consume soup at least once throughout theday and 6-8 glasses of water. 6th day – you can combine vegetables withbeans, fish, chicken, beef and lamb as much as you can. you can also eat leafy greens with 2-3 steakswith soup at least once per day. do not consume baked potatoes. 7th day – consume soup at least once perday, brown rice and vegetables as much as you want and unsweetened fruit. you will definitely burn 10-17 pounds if youstick to the diet.

if you burnt more than 15 pounds, you shouldmake a pause and the start from day 1. the diet will affect everyone differentlybecause every person has different digestive tract.

cabbage soup diet youtube

cabbage soup diet youtube,extra tips eliminate fried foods, pasta, bread and alcoholduring the diet. stick to juices, skimmed milk, coffee, waterand unsweetened tea. do not drink diet and carbonated drinks.


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