cabbage soup diet zucchini

cabbage soup diet zucchini

is raw better? in this week's saturday strategy,we're going to figure out what three raw vegetables actually get more nutrious when you cook them.let's do this. i'm excited here at the fitlife ranch, i've actually angled the camera moredifferently because the light would have made it hard for you to see me, now you could can see behind me, a beautiful area ere at the fitlife ranch. and we are readyto make one of my personal favorite thing, and it's a detoxifying food recipe.this isthe most amazing alkalizing, nutritious phytonutrients packed detoxifying soup you'll ever have inyour entire life fitlifer. and i am about to make. so what's inside the soup? let'stalk about the recipe. tomatoes, mushroom, basil, garlic, ginger, kale, carrots, onion,peppers, lime, and asparagus with a little

bit of a vegetable broth base. now can youguess what three ingredients in this recipe actually get more nutritious when you cookthem fitlifer? tomatoes for one has has licopene in them that actually get more nutritious.tomatoes are loaded with vitamin c. but what a lot of people don;t know is that is theone of the only vegetables that has licopene. they've research on this, it's amazing foryour heart, amazing antioxidant, and cleans out feel radical in your body. tomatoes arebetter for you when their cooked. are actually better for you as well increases the amountof beta-carotene which converts to vitamin a. vitamin a is quintessential for your eyes,your skin, your hair, other elements. actually get more nutrtious as well when you cook it,it actually breaks the cell wall in kale making

your digestive system able to handle it moreeasily, and it's not as bitter. and we have onions that adds nice flavor to this and theyboost your immune system's ability up big time. i know a lot of people are exeriencingallergies out here in southern california because of the santana winds. if you wantto increase your immune system, make some soup with onions in it. we have asparaguswhich is loaded with sulfur compunds which actually helps gluthathione production. andwe have some mushrooms which you know as much as i do, mushroom boosts your immune systemup too. plus it's going to add some meat to this soup, we're not adding any meat productsor anything like that. so we're going to use mushrooms to give it that kind of satiatedfeeling in this soup recipe as well. we have

garlic, and ginger. ginger is going to spiceit up, helps which our digestion. ginger is one of the key things for that. garlic willincrease your immune bosting potential as well, and adds a really nice flavor. i don'tknow if you like garlic but if you love it, give us a big thumbs up. there's one mysteryitem that i did not tell you guys that's in this recipe, one of my personal favorite thing.coconut oil because of the fat in it, it actually helps the absorption of vitamin a, d, e, andk. so that's the ingredients of this recipe, we have some vegetable broth as well. youcan use chicken, you can use beef broth. you can actually add beef, or chicken to thisrecipe for a little bit more protein. for now we just sticking with this detoxifying,delicious soup right here, right now. let's

throw all the ingredients in the pan, andget this thing cooking. alright, there's some ingredients that we want to cook first. realsimple, and easy. the kale, the onions, the asparagus, the garlic first that going toadd nice flavor to it. oh that smells amazing. wow. try to get closer. get right in there,dude. alright, we're going to drop the rest of the ingredients to our soup pan on thestove. and when the other ingredients are ready, we're going to drop them in as well.i usually like to simmer the ingredients for about 10 minutes, and then i move it to thepan. feels good. cool. nice stuff. cool. ready? yup, this actually really good. i love thebroth. wow. that's some good soup fitlifer. it's not the sexy soup in the world but it'sactually going to do wonders inside your body.

it's going to detoxify you. it's going topick your energy up. you're going to feel more balanced. it's amazing. so you got therecipe. let's give the juicer away this week. get ready for this. the juicer is going outto caroline, who incorporated mind, body, and spirit into an emcompassing transformation.where she not only regain a little bit of who she is, but she also impacted her eneryin other facets in her life as well. so she's a true fitlifer, the juicer is coming outto you caroline. congratulations. so we're giving it out to caroline, she's winning thejuicer. it's going out to you. and i'm going to enjoy my soup, thank you so much for tuningin. make sure you share this. make sure you give it a big thumbs up. and to win the juicernext week, i want you guys to leave a comment

below about how the food you eat has impactedyour life. because remember, it's just food, right? you can put food in your body all daylong, you become so focus on diets, and trends that are out there that you often forget aboutthe true purpose of the transformation that's really coming back to the real you. and onceyou understand the real you is, you're not going to give in to those other quick fixes.those pills, those powders, those potions, those gimmicks, and different things thatyou may be consuming now that you know that aren't good for you but you can't controlit. these uncontrollable cravings, and everything else. if you want to break free, you've gotto understand who you are. and by cooking foods like, and making juice, you spend lesstime in the kitchen to focus on that, you

cabbage soup diet zucchini

cabbage soup diet zucchini,

can spend more time focusing to giving backto who you really are. that's what exciting to me. and that's what the real transformationis all about fitlifer. so my mouth is watering. i got to eat this soup. anyway, thanks fortuning in on another amazing saturday strategy. caroline, congratulations. we'll see you guysnext week.


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