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disclaimer; please be advised that myweirdbutterflylove represents opinions and is for educational purposes only and is not intended to constitute medical advice.i encourage you to further your own research and consult with your doctor about any changes in treatment.if you are not satisfied with the help you are receiving from your current doctor; go get a second opinion. welcome to myweirdbutterflylove! i am queenvitani and i will be your little visual guide in this strange world of autoimmunity and thyroid diseases. in this 'episode' we will be talking about the difference between paleo and the autoimmune protocol, aka autoimmune paleo diet. aip for short. i've seen a lot of questions about this lately. but first, we must ask ourselves; what is paleo? what is life?? i'm sure you've heard this and that about paleo, and let me start by telling you: don't look at paleo as a trend. you should never ever do something just because it's a trend and everybody does it. if it was trendy to wear a fish on your head, would you wear one? yes, this is a shark on my head.
paleo is not about eating clean, and it's not about being trendy. the paleo diet is a nutrient-dense whole foods diet based on eating a variety of quality meat, vegetables, seafood, eggs, fruits, nuts and seeds. it improves health by providing balanced and complete nutrition while avoiding most processed and refinded foods and empty calories. that was a quote from paleomom. that woman is a genius. you should follow her. the paleo diet is kind of like eating like a caveman. the reason i say kind of is because the paleo diet eliminates all grains,
and there has been proof that our ancestors did in fact eat some grains. but that was a long time ago, and i think it's pretty safe to say that the grains they ate are nothing like the genetically modified grains we have today. the foods that paleo does not include are the following: -grains and pseudograins -legumes (legumes with edible pods like green beans are fine) -dairy (especially pasteurized industrially-produced) -refined and processed foods (including refined seed oils, refined sugars, and chemical additives and preservatives) i don't really wanna call paleo a diet, it's more like a lifestyle. go to to read more about the benefits of following paleo.
here's what confused some people. aip. aip is a stricter version? yes, version, of paleo. this is a diet that is designed to reduce inflammation, to help heal the gut, and fight antibodies. i have hashimoto's disease and i'm following aip to put it in remission. can i just say that after going aip, i've been feeling goooooood. of course, i have my bad days occationally, but i'm human, we can all have bad days. i know several people who have been able to put their autoimmune disease in remission by following aip. soon enough, i will be one of those people. mehehe maybe you are someone who wanted to learn about aip, but was put off when you saw how many foods aip eliminates.
so, i am going to focus on what you can eat, and that list is a goooood one. there are several yes and no lists around for aip, but i've never found 1 list that includes every single yes food. so i decided to make one myself. in a fun creative way! part 1! vegetables! the best part of going aip was that i discovered so many things that i didn't even know excisted! for example, my favourite vegetable in the world: plantain.
plantain is a vegetable banana. a vegetable banana! it's the coolest thing i've ever come across! i can make so many thing with plantain. with green plantain i can make 'bread rolls', crackers, ice cream, tortillas. with ripe and superipe plantain i can make chips, aip 'cheese', pancakes. i cannot describe my love for plantains. part 2! roots!as i'm recording this, i realize that i did spell carrot correctly. i apologize! fyi, nuts are not allowed on the aip diet, but despite the name, tigernut is not actually a nut, it's a root part 3: meat!there is basically no meats that you cannot eat.
just be sure that the meat you buy only contain 1 ingredient: the meat you buy. also, this needs to be said: kangaroo and ostrich is just the best thing ever. right after plantain. part 4: fats and offal!quite simple. and remember; offal does not have to be awful. bone broth is a very important key to heal your gut. and it is delicious. slice some liver, roll it in some aip approved flour and fry it in coconut oil. it's sooo good. part 5: fruit! of course you can have fruit! just don't go overboard with it. stick with a couple of fruits a day. part 6: herbs! not much to be said about this one.
they make things taste good, they smell good.. moving on. part 7: ferments & spices. ferments are another important key to healing your gut. sauerkraut is supereasy to make and kombucha is quite delicious. i'm sure you already know what to do with spices. part 8: pantry items! my favourite part of the aip list. there is hardly anything that you cannot recreate on aip. i'm serious, deserts, snacks, pizza even., you name it. you can download all of my drawings of this list, if you look in the description box below this youtube video you will find links to my deviantart page where you can download them.
here is the no list for aip. i want to focus on the yes list so that's why i didn't bother to make a fancy drawing out of this list. you can download this list as well on my deviantart page or on my facebook page. now, if you already have been looking into aip i'm sure that you saw some items on my yes list which you have seen on a no list. these items are most likely goitrogenic foods. all of these foods are goitrogenic. if you have an autoimmune thyroid condition you may be sensitive to some or all of these foods.
they can cause a goiter which is an enlarged thyroid gland. these foods are only goitrogenic in their raw state, but you may possibly still be sensitive even if they are cooked. personally, i do fine with all the goitrogenic foods on the aip list, except for kale. if you would like to get into aip, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get a good aip cookbook. i'd recommend any of the books from paleomom and amy myers 'the autoimmune solution'. she covers autoimmunity in general in her book as well as aip recipes. and remember! if you choose to do aip, know that it's not forever. it's recommended to follow it for 3-4 months to allow your gut to heal and then you can experiment with reintroducing certain foods back into your diet
to figure out what works for you and what doesn't. i've been doing aip for over a year now, for multiple reasons. so, if i can do it for a full year, you can do it for a few months. if you have any questions, or are just looking for a good support community, i've got 2 fabulous facebook groups to recommend to you! thyroid healing journey! this is an amazing group with some wonderful admins who are always there to help you. i guess i just called myself wonderful since i'm an admin too! *i'm so fancy* faith & food for healing! if you'd like a place where you can really focus on aip or any food diets at all, this is a group for you. i'm always posting paleo and aip recipes in there so be sure to check those out
time to wrap this up! all the information i used today will be listed and linked in the description below. don't forget to go to facebook to check out my page myweirdbutterflylove by vitani and like it! and subscribe to my youtube channel byee i'm going aip, i'm gonna heal my gut filling up my tummy with the good food stuff
caveman diet amazon uk,no one's gonna tell me that i won't succeed i'm on my healing path, and let me tell you it's sweet
i'm gonna be alright, i'm gonna love my life chopping up some plantain with my sweet kitchen knife
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