caveman diet and bodybuilding
what diet do bodybuilders follow? i’ve heardeverything from atkins to paleo to ones i’ve never heard of. there is not one specific diet a body buildermust follow. the best diet is one that doesn’t lead to excessive calorie consumption, givesyou adequate energy for a workout, balances protein intake to build muscle with carbsand fat to fuel your metabolism and gives you enough trace minerals. that’s a tall order. how do they know whatis best? that’s where the arguments come from. mostpeople promote the diet they are on as the best, because they are new converts to theirparticular philosophy.
it’s like a religion, where the newest convertshave the most passion, and are the first sent out to convert others. paleo versus protein shakes: oh, the rivalry,the hate. it sounds like vegan versus vegetarian. it’s worse, because there are vegans andvegetarians in the body building world. so they’ll sometimes demand a vegan proteinshake or vegetarian paleo diet and condemn everyone else on two fronts. it’s like chrismukkah, trying to combinedifferent elements. no, because that’s a peaceful blend of holidays,and no one with a hanukah bush belittles you
for a christmas tree outside of’s more like texas versus oklahoma games where they sell out texas stadium for collegegames. what type of diet should a body builder have? they should have a healthy one without a lotof junk food or food without nutritional value. it should be about 40% carbohydrates, 40%protein and about 20% from good fats, not trans-fats. it sounds weird to say you have to eat fatto cut and bulk. fat provides long term energy and fat solublevitamins, so you shouldn’t cut it all out. just the crisco shortening and fried everything.
caveman diet and bodybuilding,
maybe a little on cheat days. so that’s what they are for. no one will ever admit to taking a cheat dayis so he can eat a spoonful of sugar or cup of lard.
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