caveman diet australia

caveman diet australia

cutting loya cane for trap splitting loya cane folding cane into shape position 4 canes over a center point use one spoke to tie them together so that now there are 7 spokes (an odd number is needed for weaving) adding another cane to weave with weaving over, under, over, under etc. adding a new piece when the old one runs out tucking in the left over ends

7 sticks to form the funnel of the trap ordinary vine is tied on and woven onto the sticks funnel is pulled from ground for further weaving funnel is inserted into basket, completing trap big waterfall small waterfall fresh water prawns in water more prawns

setting the trap under tree roots prawns entering the trap. once inside it won't be able to find the opening to get out due to it's position in space above the floor of the trap storing in a pot of water another prawn making a fire splitting the prawn kills it instantly (to reduce suffering) yams i planted years ago from wild yams further down stream hot rocks from the fire boil the water quicker than having the pot on the fire itself. less water evaporates before it gets to boiling point this way.

caveman diet australia

caveman diet australia,prawns turn red when cooked. peel the shell and eat them.

tastes similar to fish eating yams. tastes similar to potatoes. has more calories than potatoes do. prawn trap


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