caveman diet to gain weight

caveman diet to gain weight

rebekah: hey. mike: hello. rebekah: so we just finished a podcast andi'm so sweaty. this is going to be the worst i've ever looked in a bex life video becauseyour apartment is 97 degrees. mike: yeah. well, that's why all my sauerkrautwent -- didn't go right. rebekah: it's so freaking hot in here. it'slike hippieville. mike: yeah, we're in a sweat lodge. this isa ... rebekah: my hair, like my flat iron hair islike -- it's just a travesty. but no, i wanted to make this quick on video and i will introduceyou really quick. you're mike perrine. you

are the official bearded bieber of want everyone to hash tag that, #beardedbieber. it's brilliant, because you are really likea heartthrob and i get this beard thing having -- i mean the crunchy crowd. mike: i look like a crazy biker. i don't knowif i'm a heartthrob. rebekah: no. people like your beard. so wedid this podcast an hour and a half. we were talking to you and it's really interestingand why i want people to watch it is because we talked about stuff that i never talk about. mike: i like that. i appreciate that. thankyou. rebekah: i said the f word.

mike: you did. rebekah: i talked about -- mike: a couple of times i think. rebekah: empowered natural childbirth, vaccinations. mike: yeah, we talked about controversialthings. rebekah: mob wives, big ang, colonics, lotsof stuff. mike: we covered a lot of things. we did ittwice. rebekah: we did it twice. but it was goodand i think i want to hear what everyone thinks about the podcast that we did because i'vebeen talking about doing more podcasts and

i would like to do more regular stuff withyou. so maybe we will put that in the works. i will put the pressure on you. mike: i would love for you to do -- i wouldlove for you to actually host some of these podcasts for me but i think you should reallydo podcasts. rebekah: you should put me in with reallycrazy people. mike: i would love to. i'm -- i'm saving allthe good ones for you. i would love for you to do that. you know why i really love podcasts?because first of all, i live in new york city subways all the time. i used to listen tomusic. i still like music but podcasts, i could learn something, get an experience ofsomething.

the other thing i like about it is like ihave to do dishes or do something and if i could just -- i could like just learn something.i mean it's great. sometimes i want to be in my own thoughts but when i don't want to,the music stays in my head. i go to sleep. i have trouble sleeping and the music playsover and over but listening to people talk, i just get inspired or i learn something's incredible. rebekah: i used to think they were so nerdyand i was so not into it. i was like, "who listens to podcasts?" i really enjoy it's like something that i can do when i'm doing anything else. mike: it's radio.

rebekah: multitasking. mike: yeah. rebekah: what i wanted to talk about quickly-- well, not quickly, but -- so we did these two videos, flat belly in five days and thenwe just did this new one why am i still fat? it's getting some traffic, getting good response.but people are still -- they have lots of questions about them and the feedback thati'm getting, the negative feedback i'm getting is that this is just not something that worksfor bodybuilders. it's not going to work for -- it's a lot oflike this is not what i do. it wouldn't work for me in this situation and i'm trying totalk more about the long term because my mom

was a bodybuilder in the 80s and she had alot of long term consequences, repercussions, negative things that happened because of theway she was treating her body. not so much the way she was eating. she always ate reallywell. so what do you say about that? mike: well, it's ... rebekah: i talk a lot with my questions. mike: the thing is, there are always variablesand it depends on what somebody is doing. everything is just math. it's chemical mathand the program that i put out and the things that i'm trying to work with people on is-- we will call it biochemical harmony. we're trying to -- everything we do is manipulatingbecause we don't live in a natural world.

we don't live instinctively. we're not likeeating wild food. we don't do that anymore. so now we have access to all these differentthings. so as we eat and we move our bodies differently because we're not running aroundhunting game or traveling in groups -- no, we go to a gym or we do whatever we do. we're doing body manipulation and it's justmath. so it's like shitty food gives you a shitty body and makes you feel shitty or thisfood does this and does that. rebekah: what about shitty food that are makingyou feel good and making your body look good though temporarily? i think that that's what'shappening. i think that people are seeing these results from food sources that are notso great for them. you know what i'm saying?

like a lot of these synthetic stuff, the proteinpowder shakes, whatever. like, they're getting all these great results. how do you talk withthese people? mike: well, it depends what the great resultsare. i mean if you look at paleo or atkins or any of these people, protein and fat arepoor sources of fuel. if you eat that way -- which nobody eats that way for life. nobodyeats that way for life. nobody sustains a diet that doesn't have carbs and sugars init. if you eat all that heavy animal protein,it will make you lose weight and protein, i talked about this in the dr. bisci podcastor he talked about this more, the dr. bisci podcast on cancer. when we eat high levelsof protein, we have more human growth hormone.

you're going to stack. you're going to buildmore muscle and you're going to get stronger. but if you're not balancing that out witha lot of plants really and you're not taking enough fiber to go to the bathroom, i meanyou're going to build muscle. you're going to not have a lot of fat but you're probablygoing to have a full colon. you're going to have residues in your body. a lot of people are trying to debunk the acid-alkalinething. nobody makes their body alkaline first of all. you don't like walk around like i'malkaline. what we're doing with alkaline food is we're trying to have less stress on thebody to have to adjust its own ph, right? a lot of people don't get that.

but if you're putting in a lot of meat andyou're creating an acid environment that constantly needs to be adjusted, you're going to losebone density. they know that. it has been in scientific journals like journal of americanmedical association since the 70s. you can read about it in john robbins' book. rebekah: yeah. well, some people don't know. rebekah: some people don't know. they don'twant to know. mike: so yeah, you will be strong. proteinis very stimulating. you will feel very good if you're eating like a -- if you're eatinghigh protein, high fat diets and you're going to build muscle. but what's happening to yourcellular chemistry, fred bisci always used

to say, "all the people i worked out withare the best built people in the cemetery right now. they're all dead." a lot of peoplewith bone density problems from that, so yeah, like it's body manipulation in one way orthe other. how are you manipulating your body? rebekah: so here's a comment i got and thisis not the first time i've heard this comment. this is the angriest version of it thoughbut basically like this whole food combining thing and all these rules that you're talkingabout, this is the reason why it's so hard for people to lose weight. you're making itovercomplicated. i didn't really think anything that we said was complicated at all. but ithink coming in with that attitude, you're going to see that it's complicated. it's thestupidest thing that he has heard all day.

mike: that was a comment? rebekah: that was a comment and it's simplycalories in, calories out. that's it. it's calories in, calories out. so why -- i thinkcalories in, calories out is probably one of the most dangerous things you can tellsomebody because i can -- i can eat a cupcake. that's calories in and then i can run it offand that's calories out. it's not serving me nutritionally. what do you say about it? mike: i remember a long time ago. i had afriend that was a weightlifter and he was on a special diet to like get shredded andhe's actually -- he's still a great friend of mine. i've known him for 30 years. he'sthe biggest person i've ever seen in real

life that's like one of those people thati've actually seen and known. but he was on some program and he was like ok, well, i'mallowed on this program to have a beer or a banana tonight. so shall i go out and havea beer? i was like, "are you out of your mind?" rebekah: but that's what people are doing. rebekah: that's the calculation that's happeningin my head. like, can i have a margarita or can i have a chicken breast or whatever? that'sthe trade off. mike: i mean let's talk about it, becauselet's assume that everybody is intelligent and they're going to get this because it goes-- i'm just ... rebekah: my audience but let's not assumeeverybody.

mike: no, but i -- rebekah: just my audience. mike: because it's an advanced concept butthe thing is when -- it's not calories in, calories out. it's the way -- people thatsay that don't understand chemistry and they don't understand food chemistry. so one of the -- and i know that people feellike it's a little complicated because i used to think that. i thought -- the first timei heard about food combining, i thought, "why do i have to like be driving a car just toeat something?" like i have to like check this, check that, make sure to -- it shouldn'tbe that -- the reason it's complicated is

because a lot of what we eat is not food.we have an abundance of every single thing that we want anytime anywhere. right now,in the united states, we can get fruits, vegetables, processed foods, fats, anything we want. rebekah: i can get lychees. this is my disgustingcherry-picked lychees. mike: for someone that didn't like lychees,you sure eat a lot of lychees though. rebekah: i'm a convert but yeah, i can getlychees which are not grown in new jersey. mike: yeah. so when we have access to foodsall the time and we're not eating based on the ripeness of a fruit in a certain tree,food combining becomes more and more important. the only thing to convince someone to foodcombine is see your before and after. how

do you feel? i always tell people, if youdon't have a problem digesting food, don't let me tell you that you have one. but whenyou come to me and you're like, "i'm full of gas, my belly is bloated all the time,"and when i'm -- and when i'm eating certain combinations of food, i'm putting on weight. the best example is apples and almonds. whenyou mix them together in the stomach, the sugar in the apples will be held in the stomachjust by the basic laws of how your body processes the food. proteins take a long time. fruit,sugar and juices and fresh -- fruits are the fastest moving foods. they don't require alot of time. if they're held in the stomach, it's 98 degrees. our intestinal tract is linedwith bacteria, ferments into alcohol and gas.

now your liver is having to process it asalcohol and gas. it's just very simple. people say certain things. i've had doctorssay things like, "you know i don't believe in colonics," or "you know that i don't believein food combining. you know i don't believe in veganism." i go, "it's not's just math. you don't have to believe in it. it's just science." rebekah: oh, it's not faith-based and if youdon't want to do the math, and you don't want to look up the science, you can have the experienceand that's the thing. that's my like number one response to people in the comments whenthey're resistant to it. i'm like, listen. first of all, if things are working for you,then let them continue to work. again, pooping,

sleeping, happiness, energy, all those things,because we aren't all one thing. but if you are having issues, if you're havingbloating, if you're having unexplained weight gain, if you're having weight loss plateausand you can't get past them and you truly do feel like you have to lose this weight,then these things could help you. like just try them out and see what happens before youtell me it's the stupidest thing you've heard all day. mike: right. don't try it for three days.try it for three months. really see how you transform. rebekah: i don't see it as being complicated.i mean i really don't go into all -- i have

a book on food combining from like the 70s.that was my mother's and there's a lot in it and there's a lot of foods in there thati don't even eat, so it wouldn't even come into play. it's just for me it's about eatingsimply. like ok, i'm going to eat this food and then i'm going to eat that food and idon't have to eat all the foods all at the same time. it's like you don't have to doall the things. just do one of the things. mike: do it where -- i give people a verysimple document that i will soon have available on the website but i usually give it to clientsand i'm like there's a lot of stuff in here. it's the foundation of the work that i do.just glance it over and take what works. leave the rest. don't feel overwhelmed by it.

rebekah: yeah. i think -- i wanted to do thislike little -- like fake podcasts, to piggyback on your podcast. it was really excellent becausewe talked about so much stuff like i listed in, in the beginning, and i got a little bitragey. i said the f word. i get ragey. i felt really ragey. mike: we said the f word. we said the s word.we said the p word. rebekah: we did. we said the p word. mike: we did. well, we had to. it was an approveduse of the p word because it was in the title of a book. rebekah: yeah.

mike: and we said ... rebekah: that's like a 12-year-old, i'm quoting somebody. mike: i mean the dirtiest word of all was"bearded bieber" i think. rebekah: bearded bieber is disgusting, #beardedbieber.really, you got to use it. but i want to -- it's like i want to do this because i really dowant people to go over and look at that and i do want to change the tone of my videosbecause i've been -- i guess the past four years of bex life have been a primer. it's like this is the introduction. this isthe sweet talk into food combining. this is the sweet talk into meditation and i'm goingto continue with the four-minute meditations

but it's like there's a realness that's happeningbehind the scenes. there's a realness that's happening with me and my life behind thesevery short glimpses that you get in the videos and it's very surface. it's effective butit's very surface. so if you want to know more about nutrition,about really connecting with yourself, about true fitness, all this stuff, watch you, butmostly watch me. but tell me that that's what you want to hear and i will absolutely accommodatebecause that's what i want to offer people. yeah, i think we did that in our podcasts. mike: you know, the reason i wanted to dopodcasts is because i wanted to be able to talk about whatever i wanted and share theamazing conversations that i have with people.

mike: i didn't want to have to dumb it down.there's always this ... mike: i didn't want to have to dumb it down.people are smarter than that. rebekah: no. i mean my own is really smartand i don't think i'm ever dumbing it down for them. it's that it's like i have threeminutes to capture them. rebekah: it's like what can i say -- how manybuzzwords? how many times can i say skinny, lose weight, flat belly, freaking bootyliciousbikini body to get them in? it's like how do i keep you so i can really tell you somereal stuff? mike: i wanted to talk to you about that onthe -- i kind of lost track of all my notes. i want to talk to you about like click videosand stuff. do you do that? because i notice

rebekah: i do it in a way. i mean i feel likei'm never dishonest. i think when i said it, how to get a flat belly in five days, thatwas a hook but it was -- we talked about it. mike: i think we gave them something valuable.that will definitely affect the way that their bellies ... rebekah: and people are responding. they'renot like, "oh, you guys are freaking liars." see, i don't even say the f word on bex life. mike: see, i -- this is a rated g -- pg show. rebekah: this is pg. mike: yeah, because i would name the podcastand i thought, ok, "talking shit with the

colonic therapist" is going to get a lot morehits than "gil jacobs shares his story of healing". mike: it just is and ... rebekah: well, no one knows who gil jacobsis. mike: right. rebekah: no one knows who rebekah boruckiis. that's why my name is not in the title. so yeah, you got to talk about the stuff thatpeople are looking for. you got to give people what they want. you can't come off like i'mbetter than you and i'm going to tell you what you really need. it's like people wantto lose weight. so i'm going to talk to them

about that. mike: i'm just going to then start makingcat videos because that's what we want. rebekah: justin would be happy. justin freaking-- every time i turn around in the office, he's looking at another grumpy cat name, tellingme about it or cute baby goats cuddling unicorns. i swear, my husband. he's the king of thecute animals on the internet. but yeah, i think that that's -- it's a directionthat i want to take the work that i'm doing because i think that it's -- i'm ready. ittook a readiness for me to be able to share more because i wanted to make sure that myinformation was good too. like, i'm really practicing it. this is the place in my lifethat -- i'm in a place in my life where i

feel confident to be able to talk about itand i want to take other people with me. mike: i want to come. rebekah: well, we went there already. so wewent there and so yeah, so everybody check out the podcast. it's linked continuouslyon the bottom of this video because i really -- you don't even have to hear what we'resaying right now. you can just go over to that because i feel like it was really goodand check you out at mike: dot org. rebekah: i know, because you're organized. mike: that's right.

rebekah: you said that in the last video.the real thing to do -- oh, i hit the mic. the real thing i want you guys to do is tosign up for both of our newsletters because that's where the good stuff happens. mike: yeah. i don't send spam. i haven't senta newsletter yet. but i will. i'm waiting for itunes to figure out their madness soi can announce that we're on itunes even though we are on itunes. rebekah: give people the stuff if they signup. mike: i know. they signed up but the goodthing is, i don't clog your inbox. you know what would have been really smart?

rebekah: or your colon. i won't clog yourinbox or your colon. mike: you know what would have been reallysmart is if -- when we shut the air conditioner off, we open the windows. that's why it wasso much hotter. rebekah: i don't even notice it anymore. myhair is wrecked. my make-up is off. i feel fantastic. this is the real deal, folks. we'reon iphones. we're recording on iphones. this is good stuff. well, thank you. yeah, headon over to the podcast. let me know if you want to see more of thisstuff. i don't even care if three people watch

caveman diet to gain weight

caveman diet to gain weight,this and three people request to see more.i really want to give people stuff that they desire most.

mike: cats. rebekah: real information. alright.


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