caveman diet vs vegan

caveman diet vs vegan

to make ice cream we're going to need a fewthings that i don't have here. so we're going to make a banana, date, strawberry,macadamia, honey ice cream. overall dairy free, it's going to be one of the most tastiestice creams you've ever had, i hope. so, we're going to start off with some macadamias. nowmacadamias are high in calcium, magnesium, so we're going to put them in there to startoff with. that's going to be kind of like the oily base that mixes the ice cream together. a banana. bananas are good and high in potassium,helps with the tryptophan. helps with the serotonin, depression. dates, these are highin fiber. you've got a lot of b vitamins in dates, too. those taste really good. so that'sa lot of the sugars and a lot of sweeteners

for the ice cream. also, the coconut meat.that's one coconut meat there, one baby coconut. put in a little bit of honey. do you likehoney? yeah, you do. alright. one big tablespoon of honey. one or two, one and a half, twotablespoons of honey, there we go. whoa! now, to make any ice cream we need this basehere with all the... it's kind of like the liquid here at the bottom. then we need it could be ice. it could be more frozen fruit that we're going to use here. couldbe frozen milk, depending on how you want to make your ice cream. you can make sorbets,gelatos, all that type of thing. these are just frozen strawberries. push that down, make a mess. let's get the lid happening. tamp her. highest setting.alright. that's good enough. you can lick

the spoon if you want. alright. hell ya! geta bowl. it's now frozen inside there. beautiful ice cream. let's put it over my head. i didthat once, ended really badly. get it out as quick as you can because thatlooks like one of the nicest ice cream, sorbets, i guess you can say, ever. spoon. hell yes,whoo! that's awesome. we'll be making more

caveman diet vs vegan

caveman diet vs vegan,of that, lots of that. i've got brain freezeagain. if you don't like peanut butter, somethingis wrong with you. it's a tradition in my family in australia. peanut butter and celeryis the best. so what we're going to start off with really is some peanuts. where didi put them?


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