how to stay on fast metabolism diet

how to stay on fast metabolism diet

three tips to boost metabolism and lose weight without dieting hey! i'm chalene johnson, new york times bestselling author of the book push and the creator of countless

how to stay on fast metabolism diet, exercise programs i have sold tens of millions of exercise programs and i've worked with thousands of people to help them lose weight in this video i'm going

to share with you the three tips you must know if you truly want to boost your metabolism and you want to lose weight and you're sticking dieting tip number one you've got to stop dieting like isn't that exciting to know yeah the first thing you have to know is that when you restrict calories you lose weight which is cool right but we lose

weight you also lose muscle and you also your body's metabolism starts to slow your body's job is to regulate is to adapt so when you start consuming fewer calories at first you lose a lot of weight you like all this is awesome accept that then your body's like okay guess what now we're not going to burn as many calories it's not the long-term

solution it's a short-term solution but ultimately it's going to make it so much harder for you that's why you've been hearing for years and years and years that by going on a restricted calorie diet you were going to end up gaining that weight back and then some so what type of diet should you be eating one that has the right amount of

macro nutrients the type of diet that isn't so restricted that your metabolism slows down and of course you need patience tip number two you need muscle and that's the second reason why most people who are on diets end up gaining all the way back and then some because it's pretty rare that someone

goes on a diet doing extra cardio and extra workouts that they're not also losing muscle muscle is what you need to burn fat and calories muscle is precious material it's what makes your body have shape it's what keeps us young it's what helps us to produce more of the cells that we need to replenish our bodies and our energy but if you're not doing some

type of exercises building muscle you're losing muscle and when you're losing muscle you are slowing your metabolism you wanna lose weight and you want to speed up your metabolism you should be lifting a minimum of three times too weak ideally like if you really want to boost metabolism sorry the truth is you should

probably be lifting four days a week now you can do it for 30 minutes or less but you've got to be lifting heavy enough to build muscle tip number three you have got to know your numbers let's face it the average american the average person is under estimating what they're consuming they're overestimating what they're

burning in their daily activity and they really have no idea what their numbers should be what do i mean by numbers how many calories you should be consuming how many calories you should be burning through your exercise and of course what's the right ratio of proteins carbohydrates fats yes you need fats because if you don't have these things

in the right order your body is a machine and it needs to be fueled properly if it doesn't it slips into maintenance and wants to hold on to everything you have and that's why people stop losing weight and hit a plateau if you want to lose weight you've got to eat the right amount of proteins healthy fats

yes carbohydrates yes make sure you're getting proper sleep proper rest giving your body a chance to heal but you've got to know your numbers so if you're sick of dieting and gaining the weight and constantly think about what you're eating and what you're supposed to be doing and what's right and what's wrong and you just aah you want a solution a

permanent solution one you can live with and one that makes you feel like you're in control well you've got to learn how to master your metabolism and that's what we can

how to stay on fast metabolism diet

help you do i encourage you to sign up for more of our tips and suggestions by going to the link you'll find below this video


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