how to stay on a starvation diet

how to stay on a starvation diet

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0calibri;}} {\*\generator msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22hi, reginald jackson here and thanks for checking out my video and let s get started. can yourealistically see yourself eating only 1200 calories the rest of your life? can you honestlysee yourself counting every calorie, carbohydrate, gram of fat or grain of salt for the restof your life? can you seriously see yourself

how to stay on a starvation diet, swearing off certain food groups for eternity?the answer should be no. diets are made to be temporary, which is why the weight lossthat results from them is often temporary as well.\paranother reason that many diets fail are that they make their followers tired and hungry.these both occur because a majority of diets

do not allow enough calorie consumption ina day. diets often don t account for the extensive exercises that their followers are engagingin. this may lead to a rapid weight loss at first but eventually the weight loss willcease and even reverse. think of it like this: if you realize it's 5:00 p.m. and you haven'teaten more than a bowl of cereal all day, how likely are you to go on a binge to makeup for all the lost calories? pretty likely; after all, don't you deserve to have a greatbig meal at your favorite restaurant if you haven't eaten much all day? dieters who followsuch strict calorie intakes and don't balance out their meals often feel starved. once they'vedecided to do away with the diet, they tend to make up for all the lost calories.\parat first it can be very difficult to really

understand what is wrong with the eating habitsa person currently has. that is why many doctors, researchers and nutritionists suggest consultingwith a dietician. a dietician will not only be able to point out the mistakes a personis making in their food choices, but also be able to help them find healthy alternativesto those choices. a dietician can help someone personalize their meals to include differenttypes of nutrition which are most important and necessary for that person, to includehealthier versions of foods that the person enjoys and to eliminate any foods that theperson is allergic to or doesn't like to eat.\par making a lifestyle change in the way a personeats is not an easy way out, it is difficult and it is not a change that is made overnight.but a lifetime change in eating habits is

the most successful weight loss tool thereis. according to researchers, the weight loss that occurs with a lifestyle change is oftenlong lasting; the weight loss that occurs

how to stay on a starvation diet

with dieting is temporary. to learn more aboutthe 1200 calorie diet click the link below. this is a website i stumbled upon, and theyhave this fat loss video and a low calorie food diet book that from my observation lookspretty awesome. please visit thank so much and good luck.\par}


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