how to stay on a vegan diet
hey guys great to see you again. today i amgoing to share with you five tips on how to face social situations on the raw vegan know sometimes people tell me, "oh i don't want to be antisocial. if i go on a raw vegandiet it's just so hard to go out to dinner and go out with people and eat in restaurants.i don't want to impose my lifestyle on others and blah blah blah." (sound effects)
how to stay on a vegan diet, today i want to share with you 5 tips on howto overcome these thoughts, which are not healthy. if you want to go on a raw vegandiet. if you want to improve your health. if you want to regenerate your body. i havefive tips to do that and still have friends. how great is that? (music)
so the first tip is to remember to be lovingand polite and understand the journey. you know we should always remember we weren'talways a raw vegan person, before we were eating meat and eggs and all the industrializedfood and high processed foods like everyone else around us is doing. remember to be lovingand respect other peoples choices. i remember when i was in italy and nobody there was araw vegan. i spent about two to three weeks there eating my melons and my salads and everybodyaround me was eating meat and all that stuff. they got really curious, they started askingme questions and we would always eat together on the same table; me eating my raw veganfoods and them with their foods and i never judged them. they accepted me immediatelythey wanted to ask me a lot of questions about
health and my diet and why i eat this way.always very interested and curious and we became very good friends. so the key to stayraw and stay social the first one is: respect other people around you, don't impose yourlife style but you don't have to change either we can live together even when we are different. the second tip is join online forums and alsosurround yourselves with positive and healthy people. it is very important to chose wiselywho you are going to be friends with. we should always be receptive with everybody aroundus and be polite and respect others, but the people who will really be your friends, thepeople you will exchange advices and more intimate stuff you should chose them is great nowadays we have a great resource
on the internet, we have raw vegan forumsavailable to join. on facebook there are so many groups, vegan groups, raw vegan, naturallifestyle groups you can join. you can find one in your city and you can start to invitethose people for a potluck, doing things together in the city, meet up. you can also createyou own group, you can also create your own facebook group, your own forum on the internet,create a youtube channel and start to spread the word and attract people who are healthyand positive to stay around you. the third tip is when you are invited to eatat someones house or just invited to go visit someone for coffee, always bring a raw vegantreat. this is what i do. so i came back to sao paulo i went to visit a few friends ihave not seen in many many years. so before
i went to their house i asked, "would youlike me to bring something? do you want to have dinner when we get there?" she mentionedthat we would order pizza. i immediately asked her, "would you like me to bring some oranges?we can make some orange juice." i was just breaking the ice. she knows i eat this wayand it was just very easy. before i went there i went to the super market. i brought somesalads and nice ingredients to make a good salad. we all prepared the salad togetherand that was all we ate. they didn't even ask for more. they didn't order the pizzabecause the salad was great. they started asking questions about my diet i answeredthem very politely and very willing to answer whatever i could. that was great and theynever judged me for my decision to eat this
way. i invited them in without even imposinganything on them. so always bring a nice treat and attract people to this amazing food. the fourth tip is eat before you leave thehouse. if you are going to a restaurant or a party that you know it will be hard to finda nice food you can eat, so eat a really good salad, eat some fruit but be satisfied beforeyou leave the house. always leave the house with some nuts in the pocket or dried foodso if you are hungry and there are no options, you have a way out the fifth tip is prioritize your heath aheadof your social life. this is very important. listen, if you don't prioritize your health,if you don't prioritize your diet your going
to have your consequences. you are going tobe sick. your health is going to suffer and you are the only one to blame, not your is a matter of loving yourself first or really choosing life first and the right friendswill come along. you don't have to worry about that you are not going to be alone becauseyou are going raw vegan. there are a lot of people doing that together with you, you arejust not aware of that. if the raw vegan diet is working for you, if you are feeling thebenefits if your health is getting stronger, your immune system is improving, and yourskin, and your overall health, if you are feeling great then why would you exchangethat for a few beers with friends? you don't have to do that, if you are really seriousabout your health, if you really care and
love yourself enough to do that, to stickto your diet and do the best for yourself you are going to become a beacon of light.people will respect you for this decision. they will look up to you when they need helpwith their health. thanks for watching i am done for today. i hope you have a great weekand i will see you on the next time. bye.
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