how to stay on a vegetarian diet
what should someone do if they'restruggling to stay healthy on a vegan diet? there are people that have been easiertime being healthy with animal products than without them.there are a lot of people for whom it's the opposite.
how to stay on a vegetarian diet, where as soon as they become vegan they start feeling a lot healthier and issues clear up and they lose weight and their athletics become better. great, but for some people that have aharder time with it
it's my belief that almost all of them canlearn how to be vegan just as healthfully but for some people, getting a variety of amino acids is a little bit more of a challenge becausethey actually have to source them intelligently, because when you're eating an animal, the animal eats whatever a varied diet is and creates a completeprotein in its muscle and when you eat that complete protein it breaks back down into all the essential amino acids. but if we're justeating, beans, legumes, the plant
sources that are mostly not completeproteins themselves, we have to make sure we have some variety of those and ifsomeone isn't paying attention to do that theycan start to get an amino acid imbalance. so for the most part, i would say learn more. having a complete amino acid profile is one of the major things that matters for people alsolong-chain fatty acids, specifically long-chainomega-3 in your flax oil and other seed oils you'regonna be getting a form of omega-3
called ala which is a shorter chain. thelonger chain epa and dha come in meats because the animal synthesizes it and in egg yolk. you can get those longer chains inalgae and in algae oils, you can supplement with that but your body can also convert it but it converts if your blood sugar isbalanced. if your blood sugar isn't balanced and you have high resting insulin, it's harder to convert it. for so many people that are eating ahigher starch, carbohydrate, sugar diet then it's harder to convert those things.
and then for other people heme iron isone of those other challenges, again there are vegan and vegetarian source of iron that do convert well and the b vitamins that are essentialco-factors for the conversion of it and so basically i would say study and learn about it and almosteveryone that i have ever interface with that was having a challenge with it, actually to be honest everyone that ihave ever worked with who wanted to bevegetarian or wanted to be vegan for spiritual,
ethical, moral reasons and was having a challenge with theirhealth and they felt better when they ate some meat than not, when we figured out what was going on,what nutrients they were missing and we figured out how to plant-source them, they were all able to plant-source themeffectively. but to acknowledge the possibility that someone doesn't yetknow how to do that or maybe their body just can't, i justwant be open to that possibility, then i'm not going to begrudge that person for eating an animal product because if our
goal is to minimize suffering that meansto the person also. and if they don't know how to not sufferand i don't mean emotionally because they're craving it because that's something that we can work with but i mean physiologically, then what i would say is, make sure thatyou are sourcing the things as ethically aspossible and that you really doing the minimum amounts of those possible to reallysupport you and so if you can get by just with eggs
from a local farm and you don't need toactually have a kill product then the fact that you need some animalproduct does not automatically justify going to kill products. and if you do need to kill product andyou find some sustainably harvested thing that doesn't mean go to factory-farmed things. i would just say if you're in that placewhere you have an ethical care for the sentient experience of other life forms and yet you don't know how to do it withyour body yet, have compassion with yourself so
that you don't have to shame yourselffor just not knowing how to do it yet and make sure that you also hold the lines of, okay if ineed to do this that doesn't mean that i automatically do a bunch of other things,right? because very often there is a black and white kind of thinking where as soon as we have a real justification for part, we end up leaking beyond that. and thenthe other thing is do continue to work to progress in thatarea and educate yourself and see if you
can get to where, hey i needed that butnow i don't anymore and it's been my experience it withright education and support from other people that know more about it, i have yet to find anyone that hasn'tbeen able to do it healthfully. yeah, i feel like it's a journey foreveryone. i know for myself when i initially became a vegan, i ate a lot more processed food and learning to eat more whole foods, whole grains and vegetables and fruits and and things that don't have a lot ofother ingredients in them has really helped me thrive on a vegan diet.
what someone replaces the meatwith is a big deal because if they were eating meat that was aa lot of say, pre-processed fast food or whatever because they're not really in the food prep wayof mind and so now they're still doing kind of pre-processed, etc., that means it's probably going to be mostly all grain products thatthey're replacing it with and now they're doing a bunch of breads and cereals and pastas and that does mean that they are likely toget unstable blood sugar that they are likely to get amino acidimbalances
and it's just not a healthy diet so theprotein has to be replaced with other things that contain protein, which is complexes of
beans and legumes and nuts and seeds as well as potential algae, sea vegetables, fresh green vegetables and so moving to vegan healthfully usually also means a movement towardsmore whole foods.
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