how to lose a pound a day diet

how to lose a pound a day diet

hey guys this kristin said today justdoing a video on how i lost 20 pounds in just 60 days so the first thing i dowant to mention is that i am not a nutritionist a trainer not educating youon how you should do this it's just kind of telling you guys how i was able tolose the weight i really just stuck to the basics ofeating healthy and exercising but mainly

how to lose a pound a day diet

contributed to the myfitnesspal app itreally helped me to keep track of how much food i was eating and what mycalories were in things like that because i was going so far over mycalories i was able to control that it the way it really just started to falloff if you go the tried a bunch of

different things in the really notworking then i would definitely recommend myfitnesspal so as you can seehere there's a bunch of different screens you're able to track anythingfrom your foods you exercise your weight various different things with the foodportion it's really cool because you can search for anything restaurant any kindof food and it also has a bar code so that if you have something that with abarcode on it so if you're eating something out of the bag or box that canyou can scan the barcode and then it gives you all the nutrition facts soit's really really helpful and saves a lot of time

might die before was actually relativelyhealthy it is a lot of salad and stayed away from chips and cookies didn'treally drink palm bay mainly state to drinking almond milk and water and maybesome juice here and there but you know i did how fast food and i think it wasmore just portion control because you know we would make us a relativelyhealthy dinner but i would like three portion sizes of it so that's where ithink i was going wrong is not necessarily that the food that i waseating wasn't good for me but you know things like when we made hamburgers fordinner i might have two hammers instead of one or i might have like a hugeportion of the french fries that we had

with it or something like that so it wasmore portion control that i think that was causing me to gain all that weight my diet now has changed but notdrastically i just really conscious of the amount of food that i meeting in thecalories that each of those things have for breakfast eggs maybe for lunch iwill have a solid but i have chicken with it so that i have the protein andi'm just very aware so if we do have a burger now i just have the bird withoutthe bond and i dont have fries where i might have a vegetable and so it's justit's a different variation of what i was doing before

what motivated me was just the feelingof being unhealthy they didn't have a lot of energy you know and i startedgetting really like tired more often get exhausted walking around and you knowwhat i look in the mirror i knew that i had put on some weight but i didn'tthink it was like you know what a horrible but then my 33rd birthday wewent to red robin my boy from taking pictures and video and stuff and when ithat night when i looked at it i was in utter shock because when i saw in themirror when i saw this picture i really didn't think that i looked that heavyand when i saw that that was all i needed for my motivation i was like thatis it i absolutely refuse to keep living

like this and to just keep putting theweight on the very next day i decided that that was going to be the first daythey changed the way i was living i took my weight i took my measurements andthen i did before pictures that picture now is calling for motivation anytimethroughout this journey where i felt like i just wanted to give up or i justlike it was too hard i would pull up that picture in gold no i am doing thisnow is all they needed because i did not want to look like that or feel like thatever again it definitely is getting easier thelonger that i'm doing this i had a really rough patch i would say the firsttwo to three weeks i really had to dig

deep and push myself to get on that bikeand workout and eat the south and avoid the chips and/or the park you know myboyfriend still kind of stuff in the house but again all i had to do i putthat picture and i would remind me why i was doing this now that it's been sixtyplus days it's just kind of like the way that i'm living my life i really feellike i'm gonna need about ninety days to fully feel comfortable in this newlifestyle where i won't feel like having a breaking point you're just wanting awhole bag of chips or something like that but it's definitely been a loteasier because i just i see a thousand i think wow that looks really good and ireally like to eat it

idea of going to like taco bellmcdonalds actually makes me want to throw up now so it definitely gets a loteasier i definitely think it's a good idea tohave cheat days mainly for your mental family which is a huge part of losingweight when i first started working out though i promised myself that i wouldnot allow myself to have any sort of cheats for the first three to four weeksbecause it was just too early on and i didn't want to revert back or anythinglike that once they hit the probably gonna say the four-week mark i had beenin on them and the month i had already lost 12 pounds by that point i wasreally excited my progress and i thought

you know what i deserve and i learned alittle bit of a cheat gigolo crazy though with the chief like you can'thave a whole pizza for me when i have inferred cheat is i might have a sliceof pizza or it might have a burger like when we go to red robin like i letmyself have a burger with some particular i just do sweet potato friesinstead of the regular fries i've also had chips recently but i make sure thati i stick to the portion size so i actually do recommend that you allowyourself to have a cheap once every two weeks i'm just don't go crazy so regarding exercise i actually forthis entire thing all i did was work on

my bike i have a recumbent bike that'sin our living room though i actually am able to put on a show for like the othernight before something or a movie and it really helps me to stay distracted fromgoing off gotta have 20 more minutes forty minutes whatever it is i'm able tojust come as dole now watch the show and before i know it 45 minutes to an hourof working out is already gone now it's been about sixty days and i'm startingto get a little bored with the bike i still do that about two to three times aweek roughly but the rest of the time i've actually started doing swimming atthe local rec center and i also started doing yoga i'm starting to mix it up alittle bit just to give myself some

variety get bored or want to just kindof quit altogether are a good fit for me

how to lose a pound a day diet,today i hope this motivated some of youout there i'm if you're struggling with weight loss don't give up you totallycan do it if you have any additional questions for me that i didn't answer inthis video feel free to leave me a comment and don't forget to subscribeand follow i'll talk to you later


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