water polo diet plan
hi, this is phillip toriello, and this ishow to do the eggbeater kick. the eggbeater kick is one of the most involved forms oftreading water. it's primarily used in water polo, but it can also be used in other forms,such as waterfronts, open waterfronts when you're helping, as far as being a lifeguardis concerned, and just treading water in general, for safety or exercise. the eggbeater is basicallyjust that. it's an eggbeater type fashion
with your legs. the best way to start, isto go ahead and find yourself a standard dining room chair. it's at 90 degrees. go ahead andsit on the edge of it, with your legs hanging over, also bent at a 90 degree angle, andjust go ahead and start moving with your right leg. just move it in a circular fashion, counterclockwise,and then once you become comfortable with
that, use your other leg, your left leg, andgo in a clockwise position. just do one leg at a time until you're comfortable with movingyour legs in a circular fashion. once you think that you're comfortable in making afull circle with each leg, in that upright sitting posture, go ahead and start your rightleg, and right as your right leg is coming out, have your left leg go in, so at all times,there's going to be a leg going in, and another leg going out, so if these are my legs, theywould be like this. in, out, in, out, in, out. another way to practice this, once youbecome comfortable sitting in a chair and doing it, is to go ahead and sit on the sideof the pool, so you can kind of feel the resistance of the water. then from there, you can slideinto the pool, move those legs, and then as
water polo diet plan,
you become more comfortable, you can raiseone arm at a time, treading water with the other, and then eventually you'll be ableto tread water, just using your legs in the eggbeater kick, with both hands up out ofthe water. to learn more, contact your local water polo expert.
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