caveman diet before and after
hey, guys. dr. axe here, doctor of naturalmedicine and founder of today i'm going to talk to you about the gaps diet.the gaps diet is one of my favorite diets out there. it was started by dr. natasha campbell,md from the uk, and it is very effective in treating conditions such as learning disorderslike adhd and other learning disorders such as autism. also, it's very effective at helpingpeople heal from leaky gut, autoimmune disease and other sorts of issues that are neurologicalor immune-related in nature. i can tell you that what you're going to learnin this video is this diet is very, very effective and it doesn't have to be that fact, i think the gaps diet can be simple if you're willing to go through and learnjust a few simple recipes along the way. essentially, what the gaps diet is it's adiet that's easy to digest. it's really focused on, it's very similar to a traditional diet,but this is where grains are eliminated....